In Business Since 1998 | Over 25 Years of Experience

License Plate and VIN Search

Find the name and address of the registered owner of a vehicle by the license plate or VIN number for only $39.95, guaranteed or your money back. Results in hours, sent right to your email

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24/7 VIN and License Plate Lookup

Over 25 Years of Experience

In Business Since 1998

Forget about waiting for days to see the results of your VIN and license plate lookup. At U.S. Record Search, we can help you find the name and address of a vehicle’s registered owner within hours. We’ll send the results to your email inbox. Unlike others, we work tirelessly every day, including holidays, to provide you with the critical information you need. 

Talk to the professionals or send a search request for reliable VIN and license plate lookup services. 

  • Vehicle Information You’ll Get From Us

    Name and Address of the Current Owner-Make, Model, Color, Body Style, VIN (If Searching by a License Plate Number), License Plate Number (If Searching by a VIN)
  • Legitimate Reasons for a Search or Lookup

    Hit and Run, Accident, or InsuranceStalking, Harassment, or Protection OrderTrespassing or Security InterestInfidelity, Custody, or Divorce Case InvestigationNotice of Towing or Abandoned VehiclePersonal or Property DamageAssault, Battery, Fraud, or Other Criminal CaseCurrent or Anticipation of Civil Court CaseFraud Prevention, Employee or Contractor CheckDebt Collection
  • Why Choose U.S. Record Search?

    Swift Results: Forget about waiting for days to retrieve essential information. Our services guarantee prompt access to the details you need. Reliability: Trust is paramount, and we pride ourselves on delivering accurate and up-to-date information for your peace of mind. Dedication: Unlike others, our team works tirelessly every day, including holidays, to provide you with the critical information you seek.
  • Reliable Vehicle Owner Lookup Services

    Count on U.S. Record Search for vehicle owner lookup services. We understand the importance of accessing dependable data, and that’s why we offer our services at a competitive one-time charge of only $39.95 per search. With a quick search, you can unveil essential insights into a vehicle’s history and ownership, providing peace of mind and clarity when needed.